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How To Make More By Doing Less

Cow-pawed. Gibble-fisted. Scrammy-handed.

Any idea what I’m talking about?

How about this one? Southpaw.

Now you’ve got it. These are all terms describing left-handers.

There’s even a San Fransisco store devoted to lefty’s called… Lefty's. They sell everything from specialized tools to school supplies, and their mission is keeping left-handers happy.

The store is so popular that it stays packed much of the time. And they do this by serving a niche representing only 10% of the population.

Hmmm… what is your niche?

I get it. Entrepreneurs want to market their products to Every. Living. Person.

That’s great — if you have $6,997,456,341.17 in your marketing budget. But believe it or not, it still wouldn’t be enough.

With a 7.7 billion world population, you couldn’t even spend $1 on each person.

Bummer, huh? So you’ve got to be smarter.

Study your customers and ask these 7 core questions:

1) Are they typically male or female?

2) Where do they live?

3) Are they married or single?

4) Are they highly educated?

5) What’s important to them?

6) How do they use their spare time?

7) What's their favorite music?

These “Super 7” questions will zero in on your bread-and-butter customers.

Are there other questions you should ask? Absolutely. But if you can’t answer these 7, you’ll blow your marketing money.

Why? Because you don’t know who you’re really trying to reach.


This strategy kicks serious butt. When companies get this right, it’s like a magic trick. Customers think, “How’d they do that? They’re talking directly to me!”

So what about you?

I know — it feels counterintuitive to focus on a slice instead of the whole pie. But it works, over and over again.

Think of your marketing dollars as arrows. Avoid shooting them randomly in every direction.

Instead, focus. You’ll have a better chance at hitting the bullseye.

PS: Whenever you're ready... here are 3 ways we can help grow YOUR business:

1. Grab a copy of our free guide

Packed with a ton of practical information, your marketing IQ will soar.

2. Schedule a free strategy session

The best 20 minutes you’ll ever invest. At the end, you’ll have a plan to move forward.

3. Launch a Brandiscover

Consider this a turbo button. After we learn the heartbeat of your business, we'll deliver your custom marketing strategy.