Photo courtesy of Praveen Thirumurugan @praveentcom
On the TV show, Dragon’s Den (similar to Shark Tank), entrepreneur David Hawcock pitched a pop-up chess set.
He wore a black shirt showing this equation in white letters:
1.d4 d5 2.c4
If you know chess, it represents the moves for the Queen’s Gambit, one of the oldest chess openings still played today.
Considering the context of David's pitch, his t-shirt represented brilliant marketing.
The Marketing Equation
Speaking of marketing, there's another little-known equation.
A marketing equation. And it can help your business reach more of your ideal customers.
M = W*W*H*W
But what does it mean?
Marketing = Who * What * How * Where
The Who — who is your target market?
The What — what are you trying to say to them?
The How — how will you say it in a clear and compelling way?
The Where — where do you put this message so your target market will see it?
Apply the equation to everything you do:
Email campaigns
Social media posts
Print collateral
Direct mail
Promo products
Putting The Marketing Equation To Work For You
Want to improve in these areas but aren’t sure how?
There’s a simple first step: let’s chat.
Consider it the “Queen’s Gambit” opening move for your business.
About Me
Hey, I’m Brian, co-founder of Genie Jar Digital. Born a Tar Heel but now a Virginian, I’m a father of five and the husband of one amazing lady. My family has a thing for Golden Retrievers. Given the right circumstances, I can do a smooth moonwalk on a slick kitchen floor. I recently released a young adult novel called The Jungle Within.