Photo courtesy of Bee Felten-Leidel @marigard
As a teenager, I visited an amazing Haunted House.
Some guys from Hollywood started it near my hometown, and they used all types of fancy showbiz makeup and special effects.
It was a self-guided tour through thick woods where crazy people chased you with chainsaws.
But the scariest part...
In the middle stood a darkened house with a maze inside. You had to feel your way through.
It was so pitch-dark, I couldn’t see my hands. And as I stumbled through, the hallway narrowed around me.
When I stretched my arm, I felt a wall ahead of me, above me, and on both sides. I was totally boxed in.
With nowhere to go, panic kicked in.
In desperation, I frantically tapped the walls, searching for any opening, reaching as high and low as I could stretch.
And that’s when I found a hole at the very bottom, a narrow tunnel daring me inside.
It was the only way out. A tight crawl through complete darkness.
It seemed as if it took hours, inching forward on my hands and knees, like being stuck in a pipe. Definitely not for the faint of heart. Coming out of the other side was one of the happiest moments of my life.
The good news: I survived with only minimal PTSD.
But I also realized something — often there are more pathways than you think. Just when I thought the walls limited my movement, there was another way.
The same is true in business.
If you’re looking for additional revenue streams, consider these thoughts by Justin Wise (www.justinwise.net). I’ve adapted the principles below.
A) You Get Paid For What You Do
This is probably 98% of people, and most never move past this stage.
B) You Get Paid For What You Know
This is when you’re earning income from sharing information. For example: teaching a course; leading a webinar; writing a book; creating digital resources.
C) You Get Paid For How You Do It
This is when you get paid for the specific way you do something. It’s when your personality and gifts mesh together to create your secret sauce. For example: creating a certification program; building a coaching network; franchising a business method.
D) You Get Paid For Who You Know
This is when you get paid for your network. For example: affiliate marketing; paid memberships; an online community; joint ventures.
How many of these are you doing?
Don’t be afraid to take the path less traveled, or maybe the one you initially missed. Even if it seems a little scary.
If you’re struggling with your marketing, or don’t have the time or desire to mess with it, Genie Jar would love to help you!
We provide the marketing expertise you need to gain new customers and grow your bottom line.
Choose from these options:
Grow Your Business Game Plan
Includes: A custom messaging and marketing strategy for your business, giving you a road map for the present and the future.
Pro Pack
Includes: Design of Logo, Website (up to 8 pages), Social Media Kit, Stationery, and Branding Guide.
Done-For-You Monthly Marketing
Options include: Graphic Design; Website Maintenance; Copywriting; Blog Article Creation; Email Campaigns; Social Media Posts; Team Training; Videography; Google Ads; Search Engine Rankings; Television|Radio|Outdoor Production and Placements; Direct Mail
About Me
Hey, I’m Brian, co-founder of Genie Jar Digital. Born a Tar Heel but now a Virginian, I’m a father of five and the husband of one amazing lady. My family has a thing for Golden Retrievers. Given the right circumstances, I can do a smooth moonwalk on a slick kitchen floor. I recently released a young adult novel called The Jungle Within.