Ever wondered how long you'll be around?
Imagine if there was a quick test to determine your lifespan. Well, there is!
Predicting Human Longevity: The Sitting Rising Test (SRT)
Developed by a doctor, the Sitting Rising Test (SRT) is designed to gauge your life expectancy.
The simple idea behind it: can you transition from a standing position to sitting and then back up without losing your balance or using your arms, hands, or knees for support?
Here's how the SRT works:
Don't worry about speed
Cross your feet
Sit down on the floor without losing balance
With feet still crossed, try to rise without using any limbs for support
Scoring ranges from 0 to 10. Deductions apply for each support limb used or if there's a visible loss of balance.
Amazingly, for every point you earn, there's a 21% DECREASE in mortality from all causes.
If you're over 50 and score a perfect 10, you’re a rare bird. You deserve a pat on the back!
Click here to read more about the test.
What If Websites Had Their Own SRT?
1. Identity Check
Does your site show your brand personality?
2. Profit Pointers
Is your most profitable product front and center on the homepage?
Are you collecting prospective customer details, like email addresses?
4. Clarity in 10
Can a visitor grasp what you offer in 10 seconds or less?
5. Conversational Tone
Do you use more “you” pronouns than “we” to engage your audience?
6. SEO Savvy
Have you structured your pages and headlines for search engine love?
7. Clear Path
Can prospects swiftly find the starting point to engage with you?
8. Seamless Transactions
If you accept online payments, is the journey a breeze?
9. Content Pulse
Do you have a content section (ex: blog, vlog, podcast) that’s alive and kicking?
10. Value Adds
Do you serve downloadable content, offering added value to visitors?
Getting Stronger
Much like the SRT for humans, a high score for your website means it's brimming with life and ready to convert new customers.
A low score might hint it's time for some digital CPR.
Whether it's your own physical well-being or the health of your digital presence, regular checks and balances are essential.
So, how did you and your website score?
Need some help? We’re experts in developing websites that do all of the above ten steps!
Click the button below and answer a few questions. We’ll get back to you with your customized website quote.
About Me
Hey, I’m Brian, co-founder of Genie Jar Digital. Born a Tar Heel but now a Virginian, I’m a father of five and the husband of one amazing lady. My family has a thing for Golden Retrievers. Given the right circumstances, I can do a smooth moonwalk on a slick kitchen floor. I recently released a young adult novel called The Jungle Within.